
The Transfer Student P.14 🛸 poster

Red is back and ready for a new adventure. She wakes up early after a bad dream and thinks she should get up and try to get into the bathroom before Blue but falls back asleep until she hears her mother calling. After breakfast she heads off to school with Charlie and Rachel. When they arrive Alexa asks if she can meet after school with the rest of them to check out what she found in her backyard.

17 mins
✨Encore✨ The Transfer Student - Red Must Move To Earth poster

This is the second in our series of Red’s life on Mars before she went to live on Earth. When Red gets home, she cannot believe what her parents say. Are they moving to Earth? Why? Who would want to live on Earth? It’s all green and blue—Red must think of a way to make her family stay.

18 mins
Bernice’s Friends Are Going to Summer Camp 🐻 poster

Bernice and Ethan walk home together from the bus and talk about the running they did. Bernice tells Ethan he can practice running with her and Bobby over the summer, but Ethan says he can't because he's going to camp. When Bernice enters her house, she tells Cookies about her day before going into the kitchen to talk to Papa Bear. Bernice tells Papa Bear about her day and says that it seems like a lot of her friends are going away over the summer.

22 mins
Nicole And The Box In The Barn P.9 ✨ poster

Nicole visited the attic to see what her Mother had been talking about. She found a journal belonging to her Great-grandfather and decided maybe it was time to tell her Mother about all the stuff that had been happening. Will her Mother believe her? Nicole tells her everything, and then they take a walk to the garden.

15 mins
✨Encore✨ The Transfer Student - Red on Mars poster

Red is annoyed with Blue and gets saved by a message on the wall pad. Red loves living on Mars, all the grey and colours around, as long as there is no blue or green like on Earth. Why is everyone talking about Earth? She never wants to go there. Red meets her friend Lyria at one of their favourite spots, and they get a drink, but when Lyria tells Red her family has won the lottery and they are going to Earth, Red cannot believe it. Why would anyone want to go to Earth?

19 mins
Puddles Meets Stinky The Skunk 🐖🐕🦨 poster

Puddles and Splash are back with a new adventure. Things have been quiet on the Hampshire Farm, and Puddles and Splash like that. After letting the animals out, they get ready to take a walk around the farm and fields before joining Farmer Vernon to fix some fences. As they head over to the farmhouse to see what Farmer Vernon left as a treat for Puddles, they find a surprise in the garden.

20 mins
Nicole And The Box In The Barn P.8 ✨ poster

When Nicole walked back through the garden, she heard her Mother calling her. When she arrived at the house, she smelled something amazing. As she and her mom discussed what Nicole had done all morning, they started talking about the history of the house, and Nicole’s mom mentioned a secret room.

15 mins
✨Encore✨ Bernice Learns How to Help Others 🐻 poster

Do you like to help others? What is something you do that helps others? Bernice is learning about empathy at school, and she and Papa Bear talk about it at home and discuss what empathy is and what Bernice can do to help.

17 mins
Bernice Has A Strict Teacher 🐻 poster

Bernice has a new teacher, and she thinks she is very strict. As she tells Papa Bear about her day and why she feels this way, they eat some new cookies. Bernice has some homework to do before dinner and hopes that the new teacher won’t be too angry with how she has done it.

19 mins
✨✨Encore✨✨ Sparkle Gets Her Stripes 🐻🦄 poster

In this story, Bernice is in bed and ready to tell her story. Papa Bear tells her a story about a unicorn named Sparkle. Bobby Blue Jay wakes up Sparkle, and when she gets out of bed, Bobby starts acting strangely. She quickly flies off and comes back with her big sister, Bluebell. Sparkle doesn’t know why everyone is acting so strangely. What could be the matter?

16 mins
Nicole And The Box In The Barn P.7 ✨ poster

Nicole has gone through the door again and met Angus. Angus wonders where she went the day before, and they talk about the differences between their homes. Angus invites Nicole to come to his house and try some fresh milk, and they start walking.

17 mins
✨Encore✨ Puddles Saves Peepers the Chicken 🐖🐔 poster

Splash has let all the animals out of the barn and they are getting ready for a soccer game. Splash tells the animals that Puddles is in charge because he has to go to town with Farmer Vernon. He also tells them to stay out of the back field because there has been some trouble there. Peepers doesn’t think Puddles is smart enough or brave enough to be in charge. Peppers decides to head out to the back field and show everyone how brave and smart he is.

17 mins


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