All roles

Man on the Roof
1976, Movie - Action, Crime, Thriller
1993, Movie - Crime, Drama, Mystery
The Fire Engine That Disappeared
1993, Movie - Crime, Drama, Mystery
Freud Leaving Home
1991, Movie - Drama, Comedy
1974, Movie - Drama
Harry Lund lägger näsan i blöt!
1991, Movie - Crime, Comedy
Frihetens murar
1978, Movie - Drama
1955, Movie - Documentary
Little Fridolf and Me
1956, Movie - Comedy
The Girl and the Devil
1944, Movie - Drama, Horror
Fridolfs Farliga Ålder
1959, Movie - Comedy
Fly mej en greve
1959, Movie - Comedy
Fridolf sticker opp!
1958, Movie - Comedy
Life in the Finn Woods
1947, Movie - Drama
1958, Movie - Documentary
Rattens musketörer
1945, Movie - Comedy
Hin och smålänningen
1949, Movie - Drama