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IMDb rating 6.6


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Cast & Crew

Kostja Ullmann
As Tim Berners
Gisela Schneeberger
As Laims Mutter
Harald Schrott
As Rüdiger Nefzer
Michael Roll
As Dr. Eildinger
Marleen Lohse
As Lenny
Gerhard Wittmann
As Simhandl

Frequently asked questions

What is Die Tote ohne Alibi about? Toggle content

In the vibrant city of Munich, a high-end prostitute is found dead in a trendy club's bathroom. At first, it seems like a routine case for Chief Inspector Lukas Laim and his assistant Tim Berners. However, the investigation takes an unexpected turn when they discover that the victim was last seen with a top executive of a pharmaceutical company. As they dig deeper, they uncover a web of white-collar crime that threatens to consume them. The glamour of Munich's nightlife fades away as the truth behind the murder is revealed.

Where can I stream Die Tote ohne Alibi? Toggle content

Die Tote ohne Alibi is currently unavailable to stream in Singapore on the streaming services we have in our catalogue

What movies are similar to Die Tote ohne Alibi? Toggle content

Some movies that have similar genres and were produced around the same time as Die Tote ohne Alibi include Sarkar 3, Badmaash Company, The Rise of the Krays, Betibú, Exchange.