User-agent: * Crawl-delay: 10 ### This path is used internally by Cloudflare and Google encounters errors when crawling it Disallow: /cdn-cgi/ ### Disallowed Pages Disallow: /gravity/ Disallow: /notifications/ Disallow: /weekly-digest/ Disallow: /search/ ### Disallowed Explore Parameters Disallow: /*?imdb_score* Disallow: /*&imdb_score* Disallow: /*?year* Disallow: /*&year* Disallow: /*&country Disallow: /*?country Disallow: /*&length Disallow: /*?length ### Podcast 'all episodes' pages are duplicate content compared to the main podcast page Disallow: /podcast/*/episodes ### Titles Page Settings # Disallow any genre page Disallow: /titles/*/ Disallow: /titles/*/*sorting Disallow: /titles/service/*/*/ Disallow: /titles/service/*/*/*sorting # Disallow any page that contains type Disallow: /titles/*type Disallow: /titles/*type*sorting Disallow: /titles/*sorting*type Disallow: /titles/service/*/*type*sorting Disallow: /titles/service/*/*sorting*type # Disallow any page that contains imdb_score Disallow: /titles/*imdb_score Disallow: /titles/*imdb_score*sorting Disallow: /titles/*sorting*imdb_score Disallow: /titles/service/*/*imdb_score*sorting Disallow: /titles/service/*/*sorting*imdb_score # Disallow any page that contains year Disallow: /titles/*year Disallow: /titles/*year*sorting Disallow: /titles/*sorting*year Disallow: /titles/service/*/*year*sorting Disallow: /titles/service/*/*sorting*year # Disallow any page that contains length Disallow: /titles/*length Disallow: /titles/*length*sorting Disallow: /titles/*sorting*length Disallow: /titles/service/*/*length*sorting Disallow: /titles/service/*/*sorting*length # Disallow any page that contains country Disallow: /titles/*country Disallow: /titles/*country*sorting Disallow: /titles/*sorting*country Disallow: /titles/service/*/*country*sorting Disallow: /titles/service/*/*sorting*country # Allow sorting in main page Allow: /titles/?*sorting # Allow service pages Allow: /titles/service/*/$ # Allow sorting in service pages Allow: /titles/service/*/?*sorting Sitemap: