Tous les rôles

The First Girl I Loved
2021, Film - Drame, Romance
She Remembers, He Forgets
2015, Film - Drame, Comédie, Romance
Lucid Dreams
2018, Film - Drame, Comédie, Horreur
As the Light Goes Out
2014, Film - Action, Drame
Le Mystère des balles fantômes
2012, Film - Action, Mystère
2010, Film - Drame, Romance
A Lifetime Treasure
2019, Film - Drame, Comédie
Doomsday Party
2013, Film - Action, Drame, Thriller
Kung-Fu Masters
2010, Film - Action, Comédie
Permanent Residence
2009, Film - Drame, Romance
Tales From The Dark 2
2013, Film - Horreur
Long min
1992, Film - Drame
1994, Film - Drame, Comédie
Full Contact
1992, Film - Action, Policier, Thriller
As Tears Go By
1988, Film - Policier, Drame, Romance
Farewell China
1990, Film - Drame
City on Fire
1987, Film - Action, Policier, Drame
Tiger on the Beat
1988, Film - Action, Policier, Comédie
All's Well, Ends Well 1997
1997, Film - Comédie, Romance
The Allure of Tears
2012, Film - Drame, Romance
La Tentation d'un Bonze
1993, Film - Drame, Romance
Double Dragon
1992, Film - Action, Comédie
Fruit Punch
1991, Film - Drame, Comédie