Tous les rôles

Operation Red Sea
2018, Film - Action, Drame, Guerre
La Grande Muraille
2016, Film - Action, Aventure, Fantastique
Heroes : La bataille du lac Changjin
2021, Film - Action, Drame, Guerre
Operation Mekong
2016, Film - Action, Policier, Aventure
Moscow Mission
2023, Film - Action, Policier, Mystère
Up Close: the War in the 1950s
2020, Film - Documentaire
Fights Break Sphere
2023, Film - Action, Drame, Fantastique
Heroes - The Battle at Lake Changjin
2022, Film - Action, Drame, Histoire
La Cigale d'automne
2020, Émission - Drame
La Brigade de Shandong
2021, Film - Drame, Histoire, Guerre
The Chinese Pilot
2019, Film - Drame, Thriller
Mr Six
2015, Film - Action, Policier, Drame
Mao Zedong 1949
2019, Film - Drame, Histoire, Guerre
Chinese Doctors
2021, Film - Drame
Back to 1942
2012, Film - Drame, Guerre
The Message
2009, Film - Drame, Thriller
La Bataille de la Montagne du Tigre
2014, Film - Aventure, Guerre, Thriller
Héros de guerre
2007, Film - Action, Histoire
The Happy Life of Talkative Zhang Damin
2000, Émission - Drame, Famille, Comédie
Bodyguards et Assassins
2009, Film - Action, Drame, Histoire
2017, Film - Action, Policier, Thriller
The Equation of Love and Death
2008, Film - Policier, Drame, Romance
A world without thieves
2004, Film - Action, Drame
2014, Film - Comédie, Romance