The most comprehensive database for movies, shows and podcasts in the world

We know, that's quite an impressive claim! We are active in 25 markets with over 500,000 movies and shows, 5,000,000 podcasts and millions of video and podcast episodes. Since 2015 we have built a platform and processes to cope with the requirements for a vast amount of data collection, organization and maintenance. Our database is valued by movie enthusiasts, entertainment industry professionals, government agencies and anyone interested in finding information about their favourite movies, shows or podcasts.<br> Keeping the database up to date, accurate and user-friendly to provide the best possible experience is at the core of our daily work.

Catalogue insights for the streaming industry

Our specialized tool "Gravity" for on-demand access to content insights in the global and local streaming market, along with the option for tailored one-time data dump reports, is a powerful tool for industry professionals, market researchers, and decision-makers in the streaming industry. The ability to access comprehensive data and insights is essential in a rapidly evolving and highly competitive streaming market.

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Widgets and streaming availability API

Provide visitors with availability information about movies, shows, and podcasts on various streaming platforms. Enhance the user experience by offering valuable content discovery tools such as user reviews and universal search. Increase engagement by longer visit times and increased interactions on the site. Add a new revenue stream through affiliate partnerships included with our widgets.

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Join PlayPilot

Our team at PlayPilot, made up of talented tech/media professionals from around the globe, has a common goal: making content discovery effortless. We foster clear communication, creative problem solving and proactive collaboration. We welcome diversity and inclusion, encouraging everyone to bring their unique perspectives to the table.

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