Color Out of Space currently has an average rating of 5.8 out of 10 and has been rated by 200 users on our platform.

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Critic Peter Sobczynski
rated 8

...the kind of cult movie nirvana that was its apparent destiny from the moment the cameras started rolling.

Read full review at Roger Ebert
Critic Richard Whittaker
rated 7

For fans of Lovecraft, this may well be the most successful attempt to bring his warped writings to the screen...

Read full review at The Austin Chronicle
Critic Cath Clarke
rated 6

Adapted from a story by HP Lovecraft, this is a freaky-deaky, retro-cosmic science-fiction horror...

Read full review at The Guardian
Critic Nick De Semlyen
rated 6

...there’s plenty here for horror hounds to enjoy.

Read full review at Empire
Anders Korsgaard Pedersen
rated 9

New era cult classic!

2 years ago
Thomas Roger
rated 9

Superb one vision directing catapulted into mind warping through the light speed vessel called Nicolas Cage. Absolutely stunning….or you’ll totally hate it😂

1 year ago
Critic Jeffrey M. Anderson
rated 8

...this sci-fi shocker with a little humor and effective visual FX manages to capture the source material's unique, unnamable enigma.

Read full review at Common Sense Media
Critic Tom Jorgensen
rated 8

Brimming with danger, creativity, and frenetic energy from its lead, Richard Stanley’s Lovecraft adaptation is a cosmic horror treat for fans of the genre.

Read full review at Ign
teemu tuohimaa
rated 8

Lovecraft-filmatisoinneista yksi parhaista.  Ei niille, jotka rakastavat onnellisia loppuja, mutta kaikille meille normaaleille oikein maukas pala kosmista kauhua.

5 months ago
Critic Karolina Fjellborg
rated 6

...den här visuellt imponerande, ibland roliga och ibland otäcka kuriositeten.

Read full review at Aftonbladet
Critic Claus Nygaard Petersen
rated 8

... en kosmisk horror-lækkerbisken, hvor Nicolas Cages galskab får optimale udfoldelsesmuligheder.

Read full review at Soundvenue
Ronny Svensson
rated 8

Sanslös och ”over the top” skräck signerat H P Lovecraft. Nicolas Cage är i sitt esse!

2 years ago
Mattias Holmberg
rated 7

Skruvad men också obehaglig.

1 year ago
Critic Oscar Westerholm
rated 8

Kanske är kosmisk skräck mer relevant än någonsin, i dessa tider av klimatkaos och mystiska lungvirus?

Read full review at Nöjesguiden
Critic Elisophie Andrée
rated 8

"The Thing" och "Annihilation" har fått ett barn och det är "Color Out of Space".

Read full review at Moviezine
Critic Sebastian Ahokas
rated 6

...blir snabbt något som inte liknar något annat du sett eller varit med om.

Read full review at Filmtopp