Tous les rôles

Sexy Battle Girls
1986, Film - Action
1997, Film - Policier, Mystère, Horreur
2009, Film - Horreur
GARO - Sous l'arc de lune
2019, Film - Action, Drame, Fantastique
Coming Home
2020, Film - Drame, Romance
Inubu: The Dog Club
2021, Film - Drame, Famille
Nezura 1964
2020, Film - Drame, Comédie
2019, Émission - Drame, Mystère
La dernière recette
2017, Film - Drame
Crying Clown's Wedding
2016, Film - Drame, Comédie
125 Years Memory
2015, Film - Drame, Histoire
La Maison au toit rouge
2014, Film - Drame, Romance
The Great Buddha: Arrival
2018, Film - Fantastique, Science-fiction
AI Amok
2020, Film - Science-fiction
Samurai Sensei
2018, Film - Drame, Comédie
GARO Special: Beast of the Demon Night
2006, Film - Action, Aventure, Science-fiction
Fly, Dakota, Fly!
2013, Film - Drame
Somebody's Xylophone
2016, Film - Drame
2018, Film - Horreur
The iDol
2006, Film - Fantastique, Science-fiction
A Tale of Mari and Three Puppies
2007, Film - Drame, Aventure, Famille
Sakura Guardian in the North
2018, Film - Drame
Wandering Home
2010, Film - Drame