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Avaliação IMDb 7.9
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Avaliação da crítica 8.7


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Crítico Noel Murray
avaliou 8

...for the most part, Jarecki connects his surfeit of anecdotal observations to hard data, making a compelling case that the drug war has never been about drugs, but about controlling the underclass.

Leia a avaliação completa em The A.V. Clubt
Crítico David Parkinson
avaliou 10

A superb, insight-heavy critique of America's war on narcs, that picks up where Traffic left off with a coherent argument against currently policy. A must-see.

Leia a avaliação completa em Empiret
Crítico Peter Bradshaw
avaliou 8

Eugene Jarecki [...] here launches an angry and personal attack, from the libertarian left, on America's war on drugs.

Leia a avaliação completa em The Guardiant

Elenco e Equipe

Eugene Jarecki
Como Himself - Narrator / Interviewer
Eugene Jarecki
Ronald Reagan
Como Self (archive footage) (uncredited)
Barack Obama
Como Self (archive footage) (uncredited)
Bill Clinton
Como Self (archive footage) (uncredited)
Richard Nixon
Como Self (archive footage) (uncredited)

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Quais filmes são semelhantes a The House I Live In? Toggle content

Alguns filmes de gêneros semelhantes e que foram produzidos na mesma época que The House I Live In incluem The Wonder of Dogs, Black and White Stripes: The Juventus Story, The Kids Menu, Aborto: Histórias Contadas por Mulheres.