All roles

Untamed Romania
2018, Movie - Documentary
2015, Movie - Drama, History
2018, Movie - Drama, Comedy
2017, Movie - Drama
Medal of Honor
2009, Movie - Drama
Tertium Non Datur
2006, Movie - Drama, War
The Japanese Dog
2013, Movie - Drama
Tuesday, After Christmas
2010, Movie - Drama, Romance
Earth's Most Beloved Son
1993, Movie - Drama
The Moromete Family
1987, Movie - Drama
Cigarettes and Coffee
2004, Movie - Drama
The Phantom Father
2012, Movie - Drama, Romance
Niki and Flo
2003, Movie - Drama
Last Stop Paradise
1998, Movie - Crime, Drama, Romance
Too Late
1996, Movie - Drama, Thriller
The Oak
1992, Movie - Drama, Comedy
După ea
2007, Movie - Drama
Sand Cliffs
1983, Movie - Drama
Chained Justice
1984, Movie - Action, Drama
Третьего не дано
2010, Movie - Drama, War
Forest of the Hanged
1965, Movie - Drama, History, War
The Longest Night
1967, Movie - Drama
The Cyanide and the Raindrop
1978, Movie - Crime, Mystery, Thriller
The Man in the Overcoat
1979, Movie - Action