All roles

The Empress
2022, Show - Drama, History, Romance
Sleeping Dog
2023, Show - Crime, Drama, Mystery
Tribes of Europa
2021, Show - Action, Drama, Adventure
Old People
2022, Movie - Horror
2022, Movie - Drama, Comedy, Romance
2014, Movie - History, War, Thriller
2020, Movie - Drama
Alles auf Rot
2021, Movie - Crime, Thriller
Wiener Blut
2019, Movie - Thriller
Sleepless in Portugal
2021, Movie - Drama, Romance
KDD - Kriminaldauerdienst
2007, Show - Crime
Der gute Bulle
2017, Movie - Crime, Thriller
Reich oder tot
2017, Movie - Crime
Unter Feinden
2013, Movie - Crime
2013, Movie - Drama, Romance
Die Kronzeugin - Mord in den Bergen
2013, Movie - Crime
The Famous Five and the Valley of Dinosaurs
2018, Movie - Adventure, Family
Es ist nicht vorbei
2011, Movie - Drama
Konrad & Katharina
2014, Movie - Drama
Das Lächeln der Frauen
2014, Movie - Drama, Romance
2006, Movie - Sci-Fi, Horror
Hunters in the Night
2016, Movie - Crime, Drama
Zen and the Art of Murder
2015, Movie - Crime, Mystery