Past Lives currently has an average rating of 7.9 out of 10 and has been rated by 397 users on our platform.

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Critic Nick De Semlyen
rated 10

...this romantic drama is a masterclass in slow, simmering storytelling. It will stay with you, maybe even into your next life.

Read full review at Empire
Critic Pat Brown
rated 8

Diverging from romances in which lovers are expected to move heaven, earth, and themselves in order to make a moment of love last forever, Past Lives asks us to embrace the changes that come with time.

Read full review at Slant Magazine
Anisha Fitriani
rated 10

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3 months ago
Critic Tim Robey
rated 10

...this wondrous debut is the finest love story of the year.

Read full review at The Telegraph
Critic A.A. Dowd
rated 7

The film’s bittersweet serenity can be intoxicating; this is an uncommonly elegant directorial debut, beautifully shot and edited, with sensitive performances by Greta Lee, Teo Yoo, and John Magaro.

Read full review at Ign
Critic Benjamin Lee
rated 8

...delicately sad romantic drama is a real achievement.

Read full review at The Guardian
Critic David Ehrlich
rated 8

Greta Lee is absolutely miraculous in a fluid and tender love story about a Korean immigrant split between two men and herself.

Read full review at Indie Wire
Critic Matt Maytum
rated 10

This is far too intimate a movie to feel like a play. So much depends on the micro-gestures: furtive glances, bathroom exchanges over toothbrushing, two hands almost touching on a handrail, all practically crackling with electricity.

Read full review at Gamesradar
Critic Rafa Sales Ross
rated 8

...unravels as a marvel, cemented in a rare balance of wit and grief beautifully embodied by Magaro and Lee.

Read full review at Little White Lies
Critic Jacob Oller
rated 9

...a powerful and delicate debut, a beautiful necklace strung with crystalized memories.

Read full review at Paste Magazine
Critic M.N. Miller
rated 9

A love story of jaw-dropping maturity.

Read full review at Ready Steady Cut
Michael Thomsen
rated 9

Lille mesterværk om kulturforskelle mellem USA og Sydkorea (som ikke alle seere måske kan leve sig ind i) og om at møde internetvenner IRL (her kan de fleste nok være med). En af årets bedste film.

7 months ago
Gösta Ahlgren
rated 7

Närmare en 8a än 7a men får inte över mållinjen helt. Ruben Östlund hade kunnat göra en löjlig spin på denna. Speciellt resturang scenen

7 months ago
Ronny Svensson
rated 7

En lågmält och dröjande berättad historia om saknad, längtan och funderingar om tillhörighet. Jag får vibbar av tidig Woody Allen med dialogdriven story och väl utskurna karaktärer.

8 months ago
Critic Hynek Pallas
rated 8

...handlar om djup kärlek. Om dess möjlighet – och omöjlighet.

Read full review at Göteborgs-Posten
rated 10

En film om människor som lever upp till sin potential som människor. Som ger plats för var och en och för varandra. Inte vänta på att leva nästa liv

4 months ago