Alle Rollen

Das Schweigen der Lämmer
1991, Film - Krimi, Drama, Thriller
Dawn of the Dead
2004, Film - Action, Drama, Horror
The Dead Don’t Die
2019, Film - Komödie, Horror
The Crazies – Fürchte deinen Nächsten
2010, Film - Action, Mysteryfilm, Horror
1978, Film - Horror
Land of the Dead
2005, Film - Science-Fiction, Horror
Zombie 2 - Das letzte Kapitel
1985, Film - Drama, Mysteryfilm, Horror
Creepshow 2
1987, Film - Komödie, Horror
Stephen Kings Stark
1993, Film - Mysteryfilm, Horror
Clapboard Jungle
2020, Film - Dokumentarfilm
Smoke and Mirrors: The Story of Tom Savini
2015, Film - Dokumentarfilm
A History of Horror
2010, Show - Dokumentarfilm
Birth of the Living Dead
2013, Film - Dokumentarfilm
Nightmare Factory
2011, Film - Dokumentarfilm
The Dead Will Walk: The Making of Dawn of the Dead
2004, Film - Dokumentarfilm, Horror
Fantastic Flesh: The Art of Make-Up EFX
2008, Film - Dokumentarfilm
Doc of the Dead
2014, Film - Dokumentarfilm
Autopsy of the Dead
2009, Film - Dokumentarfilm, Horror