
Signs of Progress, One Year at a Time poster

Every December, a British man named Tom Whitwell publishes a list of 52 things he’s learned that year. These fascinating facts reveal the spectrum of human behavior, from fraud and hypocrisy to Whitwell’s steadfast belief in progress. Should we also believe?

53 mins
EXTRA: The Opioid Tragedy — How We Got Here poster

An update of our 2020 series, in which we spoke with physicians, researchers, and addicts about the root causes of the crisis — and the tension between abstinence and harm reduction.

41 mins
Can $55 Billion End the Opioid Epidemic? poster

Thanks to legal settlements with drug makers and distributors, states have plenty of money to boost prevention and treatment. Will it work? (Part two of a two-part series.)

40 mins
Why Has the Opioid Crisis Lasted So Long? poster

Most epidemics flare up, do their damage, and fade away. This one has been raging for almost 30 years. To find out why, it’s time to ask some uncomfortable questions. (Part one of a two-part series.)

48 mins
Extra: Car Colors & Storage Units poster

Presenting two stories from "The Economics of Everyday Things": Why does it seem like every car is black, white, or gray these days? And: How self-storage took over America.

35 mins
Confessions of a Black Conservative poster

The economist and social critic Glenn Loury has led a remarkably turbulent life, both professionally and personally. In a new memoir, he has chosen to reveal just about everything. Why?

56 mins
Should Companies Be Owned by Their Workers? poster

The employee ownership movement is growing, and one of its biggest champions is also a private equity heavyweight. Is this meaningful change, or just window dressing?

46 mins
How Does the Lost World of Vienna Still Shape Our Lives? poster

From politics and economics to psychology and the arts, many of the modern ideas we take for granted emerged a century ago from a single European capital. In this episode of the Freakonomics Radio Book Club, the historian Richard Cockett explores all those ideas — and how the arrival of fascism can ruin in a few years what took generations to build.

57 mins
Extra: Why Is 23andMe Going Under? (Update) poster

Five years ago, we published an episode about the boom in home DNA testing kits, focusing on the high-flying firm 23andMe and its C.E.O. Anne Wojcicki. Their flight has been extremely bumpy since then. This update includes an additional interview with the Wall Street Journal reporter who has been investigating the firm’s collapse.

62 mins
Extra: Why Is 23andMe Going Under? (Update) poster

Five years ago, we published an episode about the boom in home DNA testing kits, focusing on the high-flying firm 23andMe and its C.E.O. Anne Wojcicki. Their flight has been extremely bumpy since then. This update includes an additional interview with the Wall Street Journal reporter who has been investigating the firm’s collapse.

Nicht verfügbar
A Social Activist in Prime Minister’s Clothing poster

Justin Trudeau, facing record-low approval numbers, is doubling down on his progressive agenda. But he is so upbeat (and Canada-polite) that it’s easy to miss just how radical his vision is. Can he make it work?

52 mins
How to Pave the Road to Hell poster

So you want to help people? That’s great — but beware the law of unintended consequences. Three stories from the modern workplace.

43 mins


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Nationalekonomi, Samhällsekonomi på ett roligt och lustfyllt sätt

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